Welcome to our humble blog ! ^_^

Mummy started blogging when she delivered me.

That was back in August 2006. (www.nikolelee.blogspot.sg)

Till todate Mummy is still continuing her passion in blogging our happenings..

She hopes that through blogging; when times goes by; we can easily look back and remember all the little things that we have done.

Hee.. Mummy say she is not a person whom is good with words; so she posted more pictures and let the pictures tell the stories..
(pictures do took up lotsa space in the blog; hence the need to keep on shifting .. hee hee)

Anyway; we do welcome u all to continue stay tune with our happening ! ^_*

Saturday 29 September 2012

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival !!

Going for our lanterns walk ... :)

What make the kiddos ditched their lanterns.. what awaits them???

Choosing to play with FIRE instead!

Nikole having fun with the sparkles !

Nikole with Brandon ^_^

Daddies showing off the tricks!

our dear darlings ...

The cousins :)

Mummies with their darlings..

our 2 little PRINCESSES !

Yeah! a grp pic for the album!

Back home.... for mooncakes !

giving each a helping hands

One for u; Daddy!

Juz SO IN LOVES! haha

Yummy !

Wishing all a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!!

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